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64years running | 1800technical presentations given | 550average attendance |
| When March 6-9, 2025 |
"Networking with like-minded peers, learning about innovation and technology, The conference organizers spend a lot of time and energy creating an environment where people can connect with each other outside of the sessions." Cari Stieglitz, Kaivolve | "All of us work for an owner of construction so the conference is built around what the owner needs and how we can help them, the owners are here and the primary participants on panels, presentations and discussions. We all learn from them and ultimately it is their projects that we want to help make better." Nicholas Johnson, Kahua | "We have the ability every year to choose a list of events that we decide we’re going to go to. This event is very boutique and special with 600 people where you are talking to people in the same field working on the same projects you have been working on for years and is the perfect event for us to attend. You can take out of this everything from enhancing a partnership and developing relationships. This really is a networking event." Craig Stavert, Oracle |